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The tuners I purchased are made to work with a peghead thickness between 7/16in and 3/4in.  I decided to finalize my peghead thickness at 5/8in.  I ran the peghead through the bandsaw to take off about 1/8in from the back side.  I then sanded everything smooth.  Below is a photo of a tuner along side the peghead.  Four tuners will be installed through holes drilled in the peghead.

Checking the peghead thickness with the tuner

Checking the peghead thickness with the tuner


I have been doing some of my sanding with my belt sander clamped to a board.  Using a shim I adjusted the belt sander so it is 90 degrees to the board.  Below is a picture sanding the top of the peghead earlier in the construction process.

Bench Sander

Bench Sander